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Don't be trashy

Dealing With Trash

Trash is a problem. We all generate trash. We all need to be a responsible for it. We generate trash as a village. Each camper will aid in the process of transporting community generated Trash Off-Playa. Take At Least TWO (2) Bags of community garbage off-playa in addition to your personal refuse. Be responsible and dispose of this garbage in appropriate receptacles. We also highly recommend separating your trash and making a trip to the recycle and compost camps. We'll post details regarding these additional options for helping us LNT. It is your responsibility to dispose of your bags properly. The best place for this would be at home. But if you cannot take your bag home, we will post options as we get closer to the burn. We do request that you use a certified trash dispose system, and not the "drive by" sites that may or may not properly dispose of the garbage.

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